Saturday, February 9, 2008

Star Wars Vehicles

Hasbro: Star Wars Titanium Series: Die-cast Vehicles
Tie-Fighter, Millennium Falcon, Sandcrawler, Death Star, Y-Wing Fighter, B-Wing Starfighter, Tie Bomber, Imperial Shuttle, Speeder Bike, Naboo Fighter, Sith Infiltrator, Republic Attack Cruiser, Republic Gunship, ARC-170 Fighter, Droid Tri-Fighter, Tie Interceptor, Clone Turbo Tank, Naboo Royal Starship, AT-AT Walker, Snow Speeder, Landspeeder, Jedi Starfighter & AT-RT Walker.
Click image to enlarge

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice collection of Star Wars vehicles! My husband has a big collection himself of the figures and vehicles stretching as far back as the early 1980's. To keep his collection growing I buy him gifts at Christmas from websites such as Forbiddenplanet that sell new and hard to find Star Wars merchandise.